Please find below the contributions for healthcare (BPJS Kesehatan 2024) for each member category
Participants in the social security heath sector (BPJS Heath), not classified as recipients of insurance benefits (PBI), are required to pay medical insurance premiums every month.
According to official information from Indonesia Baik website, it has been confirmed that there will be no increase in BPJS Kesehatan contributions in 2024. This means that the contribution amount will remain the same as in the previous year.
In Indonesia, there are at least six categories of participants in the BPJS Kesehatan insurance program with specific conditions for monthly contribution payments.
So, what are the BPJS Kesehatan contributions for 2024 based on the participant category?

Contributions to BPJS 2024 Medical Insurance
1 Group: These social insurance beneficiaries who receive the BPJS Health Insurance Benefit (PBI JK) do not need to pay contributions every month, as these contributions will be covered by the government, making them free of charge.
The list of beneficiaries of the BPJS Kesehatan program is compiled based on data from the Unified Social Welfare System (DTKS) provided by the Ministry of Social Affairs. Citizens can verify this list here:
2 Group: This includes employees working in government institutions, including civil servants (PNS), members of the Armed Forces (TNI), members of the Police (Polri), government officials and non-PNS government employees. The contribution amounts to 5% of the monthly salary, with 4% paid by the employer and 1% by the participant.
3 Group: private sector participants who work in state-owned enterprises, regional enterprises and in the private sector. They are also required to contribute 5% of their salary, with 4% paid by the employer and 1% by the participant.
4 Group: for family members of program participants. Contributions amount to an additional 1% of the monthly salary per family member, paid by the employee receiving the salary.
5 Group: non-working insurance participants (self-employed), and relatives of salaries workers, such as siblings, relatives by marriage, household assistants, etc. Their contribution amounts are:
Class III – Rp.42,000 per person per month (starting from January 1, 2021, the contribution for Class III members was Rp.35,000 with additional government support of Rp.7,000)
Class II – Rs. 100,000 per person per month
Class I – 150,000 rupees per person per month
6 Group: veterans and participants in the struggle for Indonesia’s independence.
The contribution for medical insurance for veterans, as well as for widows/widowers and orphans of independence fighters is 5% of 45% of the basic salary of civil servants (PNS) of the 3rd rank/class “A” with 14 years of service, and is covered by the government.
These are the established contribution amounts to BPJS Kesehatan for 2024 according to each category of participants. It is mandatory to pay contributions monthly to maintain active membership.