
Maybank is one of the most popular banks among users.

You can open an account in rupiahs, dollars and get a Mastercard for 500,000 IDR.

Account Information

Account Opening Terms

  • Rupiah account: deposit of 10,000,000 IDR (5,000,000 IDR will be blocked for 1 month, thereafter the minimum balance must be 100,000 IDR).

  • Dollar account: can only be opened after a rupiah account, deposit — $250 (minimum balance must be 500,000).

Deposits are made in cash on the day of account opening.


An unnamed card is issued by default.

❗️A personalized debit card cannot be issued.

Card validity period — 5 years (sometimes 2-3 years, at the bank's discretion).

Account/card maintenance fee is 12,500 IDR per month.


  • Online spending: up to 30,000,000 IDR per day.

  • Cash withdrawal: up to 10,000,000 IDR per day.

  • Transfer limits: up to 30,000,000 IDR per day.

Additional Features

✅ The card works outside Indonesia, no need to notify the bank about the trip.

✅ Mobile app available in Indonesian and English.

✅ 30 free cash withdrawal transactions per month available at all ATMs in Indonesia.

✅ 50 free transfers to all banks in Indonesia per month.

✅ Outgoing and incoming SWIFT transfers available.

Important Points

❗️ The bank may change service conditions without prior notice, but we strive to keep the information updated for you.
❗️ When withdrawing funds or topping up the card from a cryptocurrency exchange, the bank may block the account and freeze the card.

Account opening and card issuance take about 5 - 7 business days.

How to Apply for a Card

  1. You need to fill out a form in English.

    Be sure to indicate the place of work! Freelancers and unemployed individuals are denied account opening, indicate any place of work of friends or relatives, the main thing is to provide a company and position. After filling out, write to us, we will pass it to a specialist, and you will be put on the waiting list for a bank appointment.

  2. Then pay via the link — — and send us the transaction confirmation.

Our service is to assist in opening a bank account without a KITAS.

Unfortunately, we cannot provide consultation on banking products because the information is frequently updated and depends on many factors (e.g., your account balance, monthly turnover, etc.).

If you want a full consultation on banking issues, please contact the bank.

The decision to open an account always remains with the bank.

Fill Out the Form